What is the difference between the Balcony Reflector and the Solar Balcony Reflector?

The difference between the Balcony Reflector and the Solar Balcony Reflector is very simple, here is the explanation : 

- The Balcony Reflector: It is designed for people with a balustrade. It fits on all types of balustrade: round, rectangular or square section, in aluminuim, wrought iron or wood ... It can be fixed in complement of a flowerpot. 
It is inclined from top to bottom to direct the light in the room either towards the ceiling to make the light go down or towards the wall.

- The Solar Balcony Reflector: Identical to the Balcony Reflector, it is designed for people with a balustrade and fits on all types of railings. 
The difference: It tilts from left to right to swivel it in your room, allowing you to light the left-most or right-most side.

For people who already have the Classic Balcony Reflector :
It is possible to transform it into a Solar Balcony Reflector with the help of an additional part to be installed on your Reflector: a Solar Balcony Kit.
Balcony Reflector: tilts from top to bottom. 
Solar Balcony Reflector: tilts up and down and swivels from left to right using the supplied Solar Balcony Kit. 
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