Who can install my Light Reflector?

We have designed the Espaciel reflector to be quick and easy to install, whatever the mounting system. It is provided with an assembly notice. Its installation is within the reach of all and does not require competence in do-it-yourself.

If you are not at home or if you want to have your Light Reflector installed, we offer a "Installation Package" in France only. You just have to add this service to your cart when you order. 
The cost is 90,00 € for 1 Light Reflector, then 50,00 € per additional Reflector
Once your Espaciel Reflectors are delivered, an installer trained by us comes to your home to fix your products. 
Simple, fast and efficient !

This service is often ordered by our customers who purchase Wall Reflectors, or Window Reflectors living on the 1st floor, or on the upper floors. Why is this? Because it involves drilling a hole in the wall and adding screws to secure the fixing over time. 
The installer comes with his drill and screws adapted to carry out your assembly.  All other models of Espaciel Reflectors are without drilling, whatever the floor you live on :)
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