Wall Reflector Instructions
User Guides EN
Here is the link to the installation instructions for the Wall Reflector 60 - 80 cm: https://bit.ly/3NH62CJ
Here is the link to the installation instructions for the Wall Reflector 100 - 120 cm: https://bit.ly/3LDTnP7
Installation videos
Videos comments are in French but pictures are self explanatory. We hope it helps!
Here is the link to the installation video of the Wall Reflector 60 - 80: https://bit.ly/2ChvGy8
Here is the link to the installation video of the Wall Reflector 100 - 120: https://bit.ly/3it5lwe
Here is the link to the installation video of the Wall Reflector tilt kit: https://bit.ly/3kyqQ0S
Once the steps are completed, your Espaciel Reflector is assembled and ready to use!
Ideas ? Remarks ? Tips ? We welcome your feedback!
Write to us at hello@espaciel.com or call us at +33 1 76 42 00 87 to give us your feedback.