Is it possible to try the Light Reflector at home?
Yes it is possible to test the Espaciel Reflector with the 30 days Money Back Guarantee, from the date of delivery.
If you are not satisfied with your products once unpacked and installed, for any reason, simply let us know by email and we will send you a prepaid return label. As soon as we receive your products, we will reimburse you the total amount, minus the return costs ( 20 € / product).
If you wish to have an appointment on the spot, this is not possible. Our lighting consultants are there to enlighten you by email at and by phone at the following numbers
FR : + 33 1 76 42 00 87 - BE : + 32 2 808 54 26 - CH : + 41 22 518 05 28 - QC : +1 438 448 3832
To see the online store: I click here.