Having a window of more than 2 meters, is it possible to have a larger fixation bar?

Yes it is possible. The Window Reflector can be fixed on the between wall of a window from left to right with a fixing bar.

There are different sizes to suit all types of windows. 
- In terms of length: 60, 80, 100 and 120cm.
- In width: 25 and 35cm.
The brightness gain of the Espaciel Reflector is proportional to the reflection surface. Therefore, the larger the surface is, the more important the effect is for you. The luminosity is wider, better distributed in your room.
Concerning the fixing bar, it deviates from +5cm to +45cm in relation to the length of the model. Thus :
Length Reflector: 60cm >> Adjustable bar from 65cm to 105cm
Reflector length : 80cm >> Adjustable bar from 85cm to 125cm
Reflector Length: 100cm >> Adjustable bar from 105cm to 145cm
Reflector length : 120cm >> Adjustable bar from 125cm to 165cm
>> What if my window measures more than 1m65 ? (maximum size of the fixation bar for the 120cm model)
The standard fixing bar consists of two tubes that fit together and can be adjusted with a screw that passes through them. 
It is therefore very simple to adapt its bars by adding interlocking tubes to lengthen the bar. The specific bar can reach the length you want simply by adjusting it like a standard bar. 
Example of a specific bar of 177cm : 

In this case it is just a matter of "doubling" the bar by adding two additional nested tubes.

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