Which reflector to choose for a Velux window?

Yes, it is possible to install the Espaciel Reflector to optimize the light from a roof window. The model suitable for Velux windows is the Wall Reflector.

Easy installation:
Here's an installation picture. The Wall Reflector attaches directly to the bottom sill of the roof window. It is held in place with 2 dowels and 2 screws (not supplied), much like a wall-mounted light fixture. This part of the window tunnel is often made of wood or plaster, making it very easy to fix.  Fitting this part of the window tunnel doesn't interfere with the opening of the Velux, which moves in a tilt-and-turn motion.

Light input:
Placed directly on the sky, the Espaciel Reflector captures ambient light and redirects it into your home. When the sun is shining on the window, it acts like a sun pipe, projecting its rays into the home.
Wall-mounted reflector boosts brightness in the home
To see a video report on a construction site in Brussels that features a large number of reflectors, particularly Velux wall-mounted reflectors: Click here!

To see the presentation page for the Wall Reflector on the Espaciel website: Click here!
Wall reflector enlarges the roof window
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