How to bring sunshine into a shady townhouse? Stéphane in Metz

Read Stéphane's testimonial from Metz
  • Project: Bringing sunshine to a shady townhouse
  • Location: Metz (France)
  • Customer: Stéphane
  • Espaciel product installed: Solar Patio Reflector
Placed high up and exposed to the sun, Patio Solar Reflectors light up a shady town house
Two Solar Patio Reflectors illuminate a shaded townhouse in Metz
Stéphane, owner of a historic house in Metz, had a problem with sunlight. Most of the rooms in his house face north, depriving the interior of natural light. This exposure, accentuated by the adjoining walls, posed a challenge in a region with a cold climate. Looking for a way to brighten up his home, Stéphane discovered Espaciel's Patio-Solaire Reflectors, an innovative solution that he decided to install.
To overcome the technical difficulties of accessing the sunny party wall, Stéphane called on a rope access technician friend. Together, using a ladder and safety equipment, they installed two Reflectors, each creating a “ribbon of light” that illuminates his courtyard and rooms. The Reflector's operation is based on a curved surface that reflects sunlight throughout the day, creating soft, glare-free lighting.
Stéphane is delighted with the results: the Reflectors provide the necessary natural light without any major work. Encouraged by this success, he plans to install more to maximize the sunlight in his home.

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