In the office, how can you protect yourself from the sun's glare while still making the most of natural light?

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  • project: protect yourself from the sun's glare while enjoying natural light
  • City: Rouen (FR)
  • Room to be lit : Offices
  • Espaciel model installed: UpStore reflector

Burod'oc has chosen Espaciel's UpStore solution to reduce glare while optimising natural lighting.
Burod'oc has solved its solar glare problem by adopting Espaciel's UpStore solution, which combines blinds and reflectors to filter light while maintaining optimum natural lighting, and plans to offer it to its customers.

Burod'oc, an expert in office furniture and the layout of professional spaces in Rouen, called on Espaciel to improve the natural lighting of its premises. Facing due south, their offices were experiencing glare from the sun. Employees near the windows were forced to close their blinds to avoid discomfort, which deprived the others of natural light.

Espaciel's solution is based on an innovative combination of blinds and reflectors called ‘UpStore’. The blinds filter the sun's rays, while the reflectors, positioned high up, reflect natural light towards the centre of the room. The result is soft, glare-free lighting.

The UpStore system optimises light by using the brightest part of the window, while ensuring that it is evenly distributed throughout the room. The blinds can be rolled down to block direct rays while allowing natural light to pass through the top of the window, which the reflectors then direct inwards. This system improves lighting and employee comfort while maintaining visual contact with the outside world.

The partnership between Burod'oc and Espaciel goes even further, with Burod'oc planning to offer this solution to its own business customers.

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