How to brighten up a dark room? Philipppe and Joëlle in Sète

Read Philippe and Joëlle's testimonial from Sète
  • Type of property : Town house
  • Town : Sète (34)
  • Openings : Bay window
  • Room to be lit : Living room and kitchen
  • Espaciel model installed : Intelligent reflector
A bright room thanks to a light reflector installed in the garden, with a north-facing bay window.
Philippe and Joëlle brightened up their dark living room by installing a Motorised Reflector, which follows the sun, transforming their space into a place of light.
Philippe and Joëlle live in Sète, a seaside town where water is omnipresent. They have renovated their house by combining a historic façade with a modern extension, including a large living room with a north-facing bay window that does not receive any sunlight. To illuminate this dark room, Philippe decided to install a light reflector.

The wall at the back of their garden gets a lot of sun during the day, which seems ideal for installing a reflector. So Philippe chose a Motorised Reflector, which uses an optical sensor to track the sun. 

Since the installation, the brightness in the room has improved significantly. The Intelligent Reflector has enabled Philippe and Joëlle to enjoy more direct and intense sunlight, transforming their dark space into a place bathed in natural light.

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