How do you bring the sun into an old farmhouse facing north?

Read the testimonials of Marie and Juan in Urçay.
  • Project: Bring the sun into an old farmhouse facing north
  • Village : Urçay (FR)
  • Openings : Windows
  • Space to be lit : Living room
  • Espaciel model installed : Intelligent reflector
Marie and Juan have installed an Intelligent Reflector to illuminate their farmhouse square courtyard, making their living room brighter.
Marie and Juan installed an Espaciel Intelligent Reflector in their garden to improve the natural light in their old square courtyard farmhouse, transforming their dark living room into a bright and pleasant space all day long.
Marie and Juan live in an old square farmhouse that they have converted into a home for themselves and their three children. Although this square courtyard layout is ideal for conversion into a home, it does pose one problem: the lack of natural light inside, especially outside the summer season. The farm's various buildings shade each other, limiting the amount of light that can enter, particularly in the rooms in the old barn, which has fewer openings.

To remedy this problem, Marie and Juan looked for solutions to improve natural lighting in their living room. They discovered Espaciel's solar reflectors and became interested in the Intelligent Reflector, an innovation that allows them to follow the path of the sun throughout the day without the need for frequent manual adjustments.

By installing this Intelligent Reflector in a sunny spot in their garden, they were able to direct sunlight into their living room throughout the day. The result has been spectacularthe living room is now much brighter, giving the impression of facing due south. This increase in light has transformed their perception of space, making the house a much more pleasant place to live. The reflector can also be adjusted to illuminate other parts of the farmhouse as required.

Read the full article on the Espaciel blog

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